Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sr. High & Mid-High Wranglers, 8/7-8/12

This past week was our final week here at Lazy F. The week began in a very bittersweet mode, with excitement for the new, awesome campers, to disappointment of the last full week of the summer. The week brought incredible experiences and a genuine enthusiasm for the amount of campers and the exciting activities throughout the week. It had been a few years since Lazy F ended it's summer with Sr. High camp and it truly gave the staff a feeling of going out with a bang! for the end of the summer. Lazy F hosted about 60 campers with the combination of both Sr. High and Mid-High Wranglers, which made the camp feel truly alive and running like the it was meant to do.

For the Wranglers, the week went on as it usually does for any of the Wrangler groups. The group meshed well together, although there were 10 girls, and only one boy. The group was able to spend time together as their own team in Trading post, but also joined in with the Sr. High for the evening activities. Their afternoons at the ranch allowed for them to get to know one another better in a different setting, working together to learn more about horses and how to take care of them. They also got to enjoy the awesome weather by the poolside and enjoy the company of their group. Regardless of their much smaller size of a camp in comparison to Sr. High, the Wrangler's held their own every night in the various activities that required them to compete against the other camp's teams. They also shared in Morning Watch and Campfire with the Sr. High, enjoying the talks by the camp pastor, David, and the many skits performed by the various cabin groups.

Meanwhile, Sr. High focused on things around Lazy F. The beginning of the week was spent on group cohesion through the use of the Challenge Course. Many groups spent time working as a team to accomplish challenges on the Low and High Course. A day was also spent rafting, allowing the cabin groups to intermingle and spread the bonds of friendship around the camp. Awesome water fighting and team spirit were greatly shown on the trip! Campers also got the chance to get to know a lot of other people during their afternoon activities. By the end of the week, all barriers between people who had already known each other and those he didn't, were broken down, and the campers were much more bonded than any of the camps Lazy F had seen this summer! It was an amazing thing to see on staff as well as to enjoy throughout the week.

The cabin groups also got to know one another deeply through special hikes to Rock Chapel, the Agate Beds, and to the Cross, where faithful Bible Encounters and worship took places. Campers and staff both opened up to one another and shared deep and meaningful time with one another.  Their bonding continued in their nightly activities that allowed for friendly competition and support of the teams around them. There was much excitement for Minute to Win-It, the Lazy F 500, and the No Talent Show.

The week, for both camps, went incredibly well and the staff felt truly blessed by the people who passed through. The end of the week was extremely bittersweet and reflective. Although the staff will be here at Lazy F for one more week, the thought of not having campers again has not quite sunk in. It is safe to say that every counselor and staff member here this summer have had a purely amazing experience that will be unforgettable. We all know that we were brought here for the summer for one reason: to answer God's call. We all pray that that message has been conveyed to every camper who has passed through the Lazy F gate this summer and hope that their experience here will be just as unforgettable as it has been for us.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jr. High & Jr. Wranglers II, 7/31-8/5

Wow, what a week! If we hadn't already been feeling extremely busy, jam-packed with activity, and full of campers here at Lazy F, we sure felt that way this past week! Lazy F had the good fortune of hosting about 45 campers throughout the week and thoroughly enjoyed it. The camp was full of laughter, many screams of joy, and pure excitement during the week. Even when campers were so exhausted from all of their fun, they still managed to get pumped for another day!

We had another set of Jr. Wranglers this week who enjoyed the same structure as the precious Wranglers. There were more this week than the week before and the campers had a great time getting to know one another, bonding as a group, and enjoying horse-related activities together. The week had awesome weather for the ranch, allowing the campers to greatly enjoy their time at the ranch on the horses, as well as the luxurious pool! Every day the campers came back to Lazy F reporting that they had successfully learned to trot, canter, participate in some obstacles, and ride the trails around the ranch. Many campers showed great improvement from day one to the last day, even when their horse was about 4 times the size of them! The success of their week was extremely obvious in their constant joy shown on their faces. To end the week, the Wrangler had a special tie-dye party in the craft cabin, special to only their camp. At the party, we continued to hear a lot of joyful noise (with a special thanks to party noise-makers!).

At the same time the Wranglers were wranglin' it up, the Jr. High were surrounded with activity and fun at Lazy F. The week began with low course elements and initiatives, some Balloon Mania, high course elements and climbing, the Guinness Record Races (which included a lot of mess), a Barn Dance, rafting on the Yakima River, the return of the Lazy F 500, afternoon electives around camp, and a talent show to wrap it all up! In their spare time, campers got to know their cabin groups through Bible Encounter times, working through the curriculum and learning how they can Be A Hero. They also spent time in Structured Cabin Group Activities, which ranged from more low course initiatives, to archery, to having a party in the cabin (complete with painting their nails), coloring with chalk around the sidewalks at camp, to tubing down the creek! Campers also experienced an awesome hike to the cross on their last evening, experiencing really special stations along the way that allowed for serious reflection and learning.

Although the week was extremely jam-packed and did not allow for much relaxation, Lazy F felt truly blessed with the awesome campers, and the counselors and staff were sad to see them go! This week will be the conclusion to what has been an incredible summer at Lazy F. We will go out with a bang with the Sr. High camp and Mid-High Wranglers. Let the 60-camper week begin!!