Monday, July 18, 2011

Backwoods, Primary, and Grand Camp, 7/5-7/8

This week proved to be a challenge logistically at Lazy F due to the many camps occurring at the same time! For three days and two nights, both Primary Camp and Grand Camp spent time at Lazy F in main camp. At the same time, Backwoods (otherwise known as Teepee Camp) were out at the teepees for four days and three nights. We were lucky to have three wonderful resource volunteers for each of the camps who helped bring in new ideas, fresh enthusiasm, and great support for the staff of their respective camps. We also had great volunteer camp pastors for each camp who helped with the flow of the week as well as the faith sharing within each group. The week was so busy with campers in every area of the camp sharing time as a group as well as working together as an ultimate combined camp!

At Grand Camp, grandchildren and grandparents spent time together in one-on-one time, in their grand families, and as a whole group. Mornings were spent in Bible Encounter time (B.E. a Hero) learning about heroes from the Bible as well as contemporary life.  They worked on activities that helped foster a relationship they might not normally have outside of camp.  The afternoon gave them an opportunity to participate in activities together, such as crafts, climbing the tower, and shooting some arrows out at the archery range. At night, the grandparents were able to cheer on their grandkids during the Water Olympics who were having a blast slipping and sliding! Although the week was short, it was jam-packed with activities that all ages could enjoy together!

In another area around camp, Primary Camp worked together to learn what camp is all about! Primary Camp featured 7 to 9 year old kids, many of whom were participating in their first week at camp ever. Although their schedule was very similar to Grand Camp, they did their activities within two cabin groups with two camp counselors each.  The Primary campers were able to get to know the other campers within their cabin groups, working on group covenants, playing many games, and learning more about God. They hiked to the Agate Beds and participated in archery, dance, and sports as a whole group. They joined Grand Camp for campfire to hear the pastors' words on the Bible and the many heroes. The week had a focus on being a Superhero and by the end of the week, many of the campers were being just that!

On a different level, 6th through 8th graders inhabited the teepees found a bit of a hike away from main camp. Throughout the week, the campers slept in teepees, cooked most of their own meals, and followed their own, distinct schedule. Campers learned how to build fires, cook a variety of food on them (apple crisp!), wash their dishes and clean up after themselves without leaving much of a trace. In a more relaxed fashion, the group was able to have a lot of small group time getting to know one another and getting to know God. They spent an entire morning working as a team through many low course initiatives and elements around camp. They also joined the whole camp for all-camp activities like the Water Olympics to represent their teepee camp as a team. Other days allowed for time on the high course, raising the Peace Poles at the Agate Beds, stargazing and many more. They even allowed the staff to join them for an evening of campfire and a "No Talent" Show which  ended up showing off many strange talents!

The week was truly blessed with awesome campers, wonderful volunteer staff, and great experiences. It was definitely a week full of happy memories!

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