Sunday, July 31, 2011

Explorers and Jr. Wranglers I, 7/24-7/29

This week, Lazy F had the opportunity to host both the Explorers camp and the first week of Jr. Wranglers. Both camps had campers between the ages of 4th and 6th grade which resulted in a lot of energy around the camp! The week began with extreme weather, with the first day experiencing 90 degree sun and the second day hosting continual thunderstorms. If the campers weren't already feeling the excitement of the week, the weather sure helped convey that message!

Jr. Wranglers found themselves unable to attend their first day at the ranch due to the severe weather, but they were able to spend some quality time at Lazy F with the other campers. Although there may have been some disappointment on the first day, that clearly changed by the next day at the ranch! Campers were assigned to a horse for the week whom they were able to learn to take care of and ride within the ranch and around the nearby trails. If that wasn't enough, they were also able to spend some time in the pool at the ranch, complete with a water slide! Not only did the campers experience the ranch life, but they were able to participate in the morning and evening activities with the Explorers. The Wranglers worked on team bonding and working together by learning what it means to be "weird", naming themselves the Wranglin' Weirdos! [Note: The official definition of the term "weird" means: suggesting something outside of the bounds of normal, which the Wranglers decided described all of them!]. The week surely must have been quite "weird" for them!

While the Wrangler's were experiencing their ranch life, the Explorers were getting to know Lazy F quite well. These campers got to work on a couple different skill areas throughout their day such as drama, archery, and wilderness. The campers built upon their knowledge of their chosen elective for two days improving on particular things. The wilderness group, for example, began building a lean-two debris shelter that, by the end of the week, look fantastic! They also worked on simple orienteering around camp and much more. The dance class also worked on some Salsa moves with our resident Colombian and had a great time! During the evenings, the camp participated in activities such as Team Competitions that incorporated many silly things like trying to pop balloons that were bigger than the campers were! Other activities included the Water Olympics, Rodeo Carnival, and, of course, a talent show where many talents were definitely represented! Another special activity the group experienced was cooking dinner and staying the night at the teepee's for one evening. These campers surely got a very exploratory camp experience!

The end of this week began thoughts of a Lazy F summer conclusion. Although we're nearing an end to the summer, we still have two more awesome camp weeks to experience and we cannot wait for more amazing times with great campers!

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